Laurea magistrale
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 15.044
AS - Asia 2.740
NA - Nord America 2.184
AF - Africa 557
OC - Oceania 199
SA - Sud America 157
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 2
Totale 20.883
Nazione #
IT - Italia 7.575
FR - Francia 4.081
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.850
NL - Olanda 873
GB - Regno Unito 829
IN - India 403
PH - Filippine 361
DE - Germania 348
SG - Singapore 286
HK - Hong Kong 237
CA - Canada 231
ES - Italia 230
MY - Malesia 201
PK - Pakistan 201
KE - Kenya 174
AU - Australia 166
ID - Indonesia 149
VN - Vietnam 131
ZA - Sudafrica 121
CN - Cina 103
JP - Giappone 95
BE - Belgio 93
SE - Svezia 93
IE - Irlanda 87
TH - Thailandia 84
CH - Svizzera 80
AT - Austria 79
GR - Grecia 76
TR - Turchia 70
TW - Taiwan 69
RO - Romania 68
NG - Nigeria 66
KR - Corea 63
BR - Brasile 61
FI - Finlandia 61
EG - Egitto 60
PL - Polonia 55
CO - Colombia 48
MX - Messico 47
RU - Federazione Russa 43
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 41
IR - Iran 40
NO - Norvegia 33
HU - Ungheria 31
MT - Malta 31
PT - Portogallo 29
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 28
DK - Danimarca 28
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 28
GH - Ghana 25
HR - Croazia 25
LT - Lituania 25
SA - Arabia Saudita 24
IL - Israele 22
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 22
LK - Sri Lanka 21
LV - Lettonia 20
BD - Bangladesh 18
NP - Nepal 18
CY - Cipro 16
IQ - Iraq 16
PE - Perù 15
JO - Giordania 14
MA - Marocco 14
SI - Slovenia 14
KZ - Kazakistan 13
GI - Gibilterra 12
IS - Islanda 12
TN - Tunisia 12
UA - Ucraina 12
CR - Costa Rica 11
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 11
DZ - Algeria 11
BG - Bulgaria 10
ET - Etiopia 10
RS - Serbia 10
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 9
CL - Cile 9
AL - Albania 8
AR - Argentina 7
GT - Guatemala 7
PA - Panama 7
TT - Trinidad e Tobago 7
ZM - Zambia 7
AZ - Azerbaigian 6
GM - Gambi 6
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 6
QA - Qatar 6
TZ - Tanzania 6
ZW - Zimbabwe 6
EC - Ecuador 5
MN - Mongolia 5
OM - Oman 5
SO - Somalia 5
CU - Cuba 4
KW - Kuwait 4
LS - Lesotho 4
LY - Libia 4
MK - Macedonia 4
MU - Mauritius 4
Totale 20.811
Città #
Milan 1.009
Rome 748
Venice 621
Naples 260
Bologna 238
Turin 225
Singapore 222
Ashburn 217
Florence 160
Padova 154
Verona 145
Nairobi 135
Bari 127
Arezzo 102
Kuala Lumpur 95
Hong Kong 91
Palermo 87
Amsterdam 81
Council Bluffs 76
Quezon City 72
Manchester 69
Genoa 68
Treviso 68
Ho Chi Minh City 65
Catania 64
Trieste 64
Madrid 62
Dublin 60
Brescia 55
Lahore 55
Los Angeles 55
Bangkok 50
Bengaluru 50
Melbourne 50
Sydney 50
London 49
Parma 49
Scorzè 48
Vienna 48
San Polo di Piave 47
Johannesburg 46
Monza 45
Athens 44
Reggio Emilia 44
Liverpool 43
Manila 43
Chicago 41
Pescara 39
Tokyo 39
Jakarta 38
Hanoi 37
Cairo 35
Karachi 35
Paris 35
Delhi 34
Islamabad 34
Boardman 33
Bogotá 33
Lagos 33
Mumbai 33
Bergamo 32
Coventry 32
Edinburgh 32
Rotterdam 32
Brussels 31
Trento 31
Kolkata 30
New Delhi 30
Zurich 30
Modena 29
Toronto 29
Southwark 28
Warsaw 28
Dubai 27
Pisa 27
Prato 27
Helsinki 25
Hyderabad 25
Vicenza 25
Cagliari 24
Casalecchio di Reno 24
Fidenza 24
Santa Clara 24
Taranto 24
Accra 23
Munich 23
Antwerp 22
Budapest 22
Durham 22
Nuremberg 22
Ancona 21
Cape Town 21
Leeds 21
Messina 21
New York 21
Pasadena 21
Berlin 20
Calgary 20
Cebu City 20
Istanbul 20
Totale 7.765
Nome #
Modern urgencies creating a market advantage: Sustainable business models in the fashion industry - a Patagonia Case Study 505
On the acquisition of accusative and dative clitic pronouns in French-speaking children 325
Deciphering the World with One Piece: The Power of Manga in the Study of International Politics 220
AI and Machine Learning in M&A: A Quantitative Analysis of Their Impact on Deal Outcomes 143
Advertising Barbie Throughout the Years: a Multimodal Analysis on the World-famous Toy, Barbie, and her Role in Children’s Overall Development 131
Venetian Culinary Heritage Management: exploring authenticity in the realm of tourism and cultural identity through a visual analysis 122
STRATEGIC SIGNIFICANCE OF THE SUEZ CANAL: Analyzing Maritime Chokepoints, Geopolitical Equilibria, and their Impact on World Trade Flows 121
From policies to practices: a journey to ESG implementation 117
AI for Financial Planning: a Business Case 116
Successful strategies adopted by foreign brands to thrive in the Chinese e-commerce Market 101
Non-financial reporting impacts the SMEs - Sustainability reporting practices for Small and Medium Enterprises 98
Theoretical Framework for Electric Vehicle Adoption: Strategic Market Entry 90
The Processing of Bimodal Inputs in CODAs Observing bimodal bilinguals response to lexical and syntactic inputs in different modalities. 81
Welfare aziendale e benessere organizzativo 77
Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD): un confronto con altri framework di reportistica di sostenibilità 75
The influence of AI on EFL teaching materials development: evaluating reading comprehension exercises generated by ChatGPT 68
Changes in competencies, capabilities, and decision-making in the accounting profession as a result of information digitalization and big data analytics/artificial intelligence. 63
Marvel and DC Multiverse: A Journey into Transmedia Storytelling and Media Franchises 61
La pianificazione strategica della sostenibilità alla luce della Direttiva n. 2022/2464 Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive 60
Fashion shows and the metaverse. The effectiveness of digital fashion shows for advertising a brand. 56
Sviluppare competenze umane nell'era dell'Intelligenza Artificiale: un'analisi di metodi e strumenti utilizzabili 52
Generative AI and the role of the Consulting Industry in introducing the technology to businesses 50
Innovazione digitale nel settore della moda: una strategia per entrare nel Metaverso 50
Accesso al credito della piccola e media impresa e riorganizzazione del settore bancario. Cosa cambia quando la banca cambia? 49
Dinamiche di greenwashing nel mondo ESG: analisi del fenomeno nel settore della moda. 48
The effect of Authenticity in the outdoor apparel industry 47
The relationship between ESG criteria and the amount of fundings raised by the start-ups. 45
Organisational design in a changing environment: the rise and fall of Abercrombie and Fitch 44
Premiumization in the Fashion Industry: Analyzing the Distinctions Between Premium and Luxury Brands Through the Case Study of Polo Ralph Lauren. 44
E-commerce and Paytech: Examining the Dynamics of "Buy Now, Pay Later, The case of Scalapay 42
La convenzione di moratoria nel Codice della Crisi d'Impresa e dell'Insolvenza 40
“CineVista” a Smart Platform in Location Scouting for film production : Boosting Rural Tourism, Local Economy & Sustainability. 40
Investment decisions through ESG products, analysis of behavioral aspects. 39
Local to global: unveiling the strategic potential of Community-Based Tourism in Thailand 39
The Importance of Strategy in Formula One Race Outcomes and the Impact of Regulatory Changes in the Competitive Balance of the Sport 38
La Doppia Materialità: verso un'economia giusta e climaticamente neutra 38
Fast Fashion e Sostenibilità: Il caso Zara e collezione sostenibile Join Life 37
The effects of sustainable practices on customer loyalty: an analysis of the banking sector through PLS-SEM 37
La Pubblica Amministrazione Digitale: i contratti pubblici e le nuove frontiere dell'Intelligenza Artificiale 37
The partition of gender during the Russia-Ukraine conflict 37
Stride By Legacy: Unveiling Innovation Strategies In The Italian Footwear District The Case Of Diadora 36
The impact of Artificial Intelligence on businesses. The case of Bluewind 36
Underdevelopment and unequal exchange: an examination of dependency theory with a focus on Latin America 36
L'invalidità del bilancio d'esercizio delle S.P.A: nullità e annullabilità 36
Mose and working lagoon futures 36
Monsters of Empire: A Postcolonial Reinterpretation of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein 35
Is Sustainability a Competitive Advantage? Unveiling the Relationship Between ESG Scores and Corporate Financial Performance in IT Startups 35
The impact of post-quantum cryptography on cloud computing 35
Intelligenza Artificiale: come sta influenzando il mondo dell'arte e dei beni culturali 35
Do Electric Vehicles Really Represent the Solution for Sustainability in the Automotive Industry? 35
La sostenibilità nel settore della moda 34
The effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the behavioral consumption of ice-cream 33
“ L’importanza della CAA e dell’assistente alla comunicazione nel percorso scolastico di un bambino sordo” 32
La storia dell'informazione dal mondo cartaceo al digitale: i podcast nuova frontiera del giornalismo. 32
100 anni di aroma. La scelta di utilizzare strategie di Heritage Marketing da parte di aziende torrefattrici italiane. Studio dei casi Lavazza, Caffè Diemme e Dersut. 31
Sukeban: la figura della 'scolaretta delinquente' fra società, cinema e convenzioni di genere. 31
Cambiamento climatico e attività assicurativa. 31
El lenguaje juvenil en la vanguardia de la innovación. El léxico de los jóvenes españoles e italianos. 31
Intelligenza artificiale e impatto nelle imprese: analisi e casi d’uso 31
Sustainable Human Resource Management: il paradigma della sostenibilità nella funzione Risorse Umane. 31
Exploring Museums Communication through Social Media: A Comparative Study of the British Museum in London and the National Archaeological Museum in Venice 31
How do food-bloggers influence customers' food choices? 30
Labor issues and workers’ rights within the global supply chain. How to manage the work environment. The Nike case. 30
Artificial intelligence in healthcare 30
Reinforcement Learning for a Routing Optimization Problem. Solving a VRP with a FedEx data set. 30
Percezioni e strategie di apprendimento dei caratteri cinesi da parte di studenti italofoni di cinese LS: uno studio empirico 30
Managing E-waste in East Asia: Exploring Green ICT Solutions for Circular Electronics 30
My-selves/Our-self: the potential of contemporary autofiction 29
GIS-based Multi-criteria Decision Analysis for the Suitability Mapping of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) in the Mediterranean Eco-region 29
Starbucks and Illycaffé: different strategies to successfully enter the Chinese coffee market 28
Streaming Evolution: an analysis of market dynamics and consumer behavior characteristics of SVOD platforms in Italy with a focus on future scenarios. 28
Engaging Generation Z in an institutional project with a with a forward-looking perspective: the case of VeniSia 28
The growing role of In-System Programming activity in the electric vehicle industry and its key players in the Chinese semiconductor market, with English-Chinese terminographic repertoire 28
L’impatto delle strategie comunicative sull'accettazione della carne coltivata: un'analisi del dibattito pubblico italiano 28
PMI e rendicontazione di sostenibilità: analisi del quadro normativo e del contesto di applicazione 27
Sostenibilità aziendale e prospettive teoriche: un'analisi sistematica della letteratura. 27
Echoes of a Generation: A Multimodal Analysis on Grunge as A Means of Cultural Expression in Pearl Jam's and Timoria’s Music 27
Moving beyond the rhetoric of corporate philanthropy: Art-based interventions as components of business models 26
The Impact of MiCAR on Crypto Asset Regulation in Europe: Identifying Critical Issues and Future Challenges through Case Analysis 26
Cultural Dynamics in Negotiation: A Comparative Study of Italy and the Philippines 26
Supply Chain Management: measuring service level through the OTIF KPI 26
Digital platform ecosystems: user interaction on Twitch 26
The Chinese cosmetics industry: an attractive market for foreign companies. A scenario of its characteristics and regulations with Chinese-English Terminological Records. 25
The relevance of semiconductors manufacturing in Taiwan’s foreign policy. 25
The premiumization opportunity: enhancing Italian SMEs value proposition through three dimensions 25
From Archipelago to Atlas: Narrating the Postcolonial Queer Bodies in the Queer Writings of the Philippines and Morocco 24
Disabilità e lavoro 24
The ESG Disclosure Regulations at the Shanghai Stock Exchange: An Empirical Research 24
Strategic and Legal Insights on AI Recruitment: The Case of Kering Group's “Talent Match” Project 23
A Panel Data Approach to Estimating the Impact of Climate Adaptation on the Temperature-Labor Productivity Relationship 23
Towards mandatory human rights due diligence: the European Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive 23
FinTech: From Systematic Risk to SupTech Application Initiatives. What are the obstacles for BRICS Countries? 23
Analysis of current and future opera market in China 23
U.S foreign assistance policies in Africa: from unipolarism to competition 23
L’intelligenza artificiale: definizioni, framework e impatti a livello aziendale e sociale 23
Space Sustainability: From Debris Management to Long-Term Growth in Outer Space Activities 22
Totale 5.274

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2024/202520.885 0 0 1 76 40 37 3.026 17.705 0 0 0 0
Totale 20.885